dagboek van mijn laatste jaar
dagboek van mijn laatste jaar
It was the NIKE publicity on one of my first running shirts, decades ago: “There is no finish line”.
I felt so much poetry in it, that it took me years after having worn it out, to dump the shirt. Anyway, the message is as fresh now, as then. As to make sure not to imagine any finish line, I always try to run in circles. The 8 km of Bruges’ vestiges counterclockwise in automn is something you will find in the photo album here . This album might help you in understanding the poem I wrote about on September 22nd, if by accident you would be interested in it :-)))
For some mysterious reason, most people run the circle of Bruges the other way around. It must be my tendency to write dissenting opinions ?
Anyway, the circle finishes at my starting point, which is a good symbol for my job. It’s never finished. You can try to add as much pedagogy in work at Justice as possible, still you will have to start again tomorrow. Sisyphus work, I called it in my Humo interview of December 8th 2009 (see at the Press page of the blog). But that doesn’t snatch away its sense. As you can read here after in ‘La peste’ of Camus...
Wat u vast niet gemist hebt - Ce que vous n’avez certainement pas râté - You didn’t miss this one did you ?
A quote a day, keeps the doctor away ;-)
“Devant la réaction du vieux Michel, il sentit mieux ce que sa découverte avait d’insolite. La présence de ce rat mort lui avait paru seulement bizarre tandis que, pour le concierge, elle constituait un scandale: il n’y avait pas de rats dans la maison. Le docteur eût beau l’assurer qu’il y en avait un sur le palier du premier étage, et probablement mort, la conviction de M. Michel restaît entière. Il n’y avait pas de rats dans la maison, il fallait donc qu’on eût apporté celui-ci du dehors. Bref, il s’agissait d’une farce.”
Albert Camus, La peste.
there is no finish line...
31 oktober 2010
As to make sure not to imagine any finish line, I always try to run in circles.